Why are people gay?


David CCBY www.flickr.com

I am sure that most people have heard the term homosexuality at some point in their life.  The term homosexuality was originally coined in the late 19th century to describe the sexual attraction between two members of the same sex.  Now in the 21st century, a lot has changed. Sexuality is now referred to as sexual orientation.  The term Lesbianism describes the sexual attraction between two females. Being a lesbian, I plan on focusing on female sexuality as I could personally relate, and connect to it better. As time advances more is learned about the origins of homosexuality. For many years this has been a controversial topic. The two most popular theories are genetics “I was born that way”, and environmental “societal, life experiences”.  To this day the exact cause of sexual orientation is unknown, but there are many factors that are known to contribute to it.  I plan to explore both of these theories as well as incorporating my own experiences on homosexuality that way I can offer insight to people.

A lot of people who are homosexual often describe their sexual orientation as something out of their control.  Many people feel as if they were born that way and they are unable to change. Many studies have been conducted to test this.  One popular study was conducted over 20 years ago by Dean Hamer.  To test if homosexuality was genetically inherited, Hamer tested the families of 76 homosexual individuals. Observing that many more homosexual relatives are on the mother side of a family; Hamer decided to test the X chromosome. This X chromosome is often well known as the “gay gene”.  Hamer performed a study with 40 gay brothers, and noticed that thirty three of the forty contained the same Xq28 gene.  At first many people saw this as record breaking news; but when people were unable to replicate the study they realized it was more of a coincidence than a cause.  Crewdson said, “I thought that Dean did a fine but small study, but if I had to bet, I would have bet against our being able to replicate it”(Crewdson). Since the study was so small there was a lot of room for error, and inaccurate data which explains the later failed studies.  After many similar studies were performed and failed to replicate the results, researchers started focusing on more than one specific gene and started to focus more on the epigenetic’s  the study of mechanisms that causes genes to switch on and off.

Zappys Technology Solutions CCBY https://www.flickr.com


The new theory is that their are certain factors that affect women during pregnancy that can have affects on the child’s sexuality after birth. In Tuck Ngun’s 2015 study he tested 37 male twins who were discordant which means one who was gay while the other was straight, and 10 who were both gay. “He then analyzed 140,000 regions in the genomes of the twins and looked for methylation marks—chemical Post-It notes that dictate when and where genes are activated” (Balter). He narrowed these regions down to 6,000 areas of interest then used a computer model that would use data to form regions of sexual orientation. The best model used just five of the methylation marks, and correctly classified the twins 67 percent of the time. This is the closest scientists have come to prove homosexuality results from genes, however the results are not inconclusive. The study was very small which means the results could vary if the studied was replicated again. Ngun stated how with limited funding this was definitely a start. He states that he plans to conduct larger studies in the future. Epigenetic’s marks may be involved in sexual orientation, but it still isn’t proven that they are the cause of it.

philippe leroyer CCBY https://www.flickr.com

Just because a single gene hasn’t been identified to cause sexual orientation doesn’t mean that scientists won’t find one in the future that will.  Everyday scientists come further in their studies, and a lot more has been learned about the human mind and sexuality then was known years ago. If there is no gene that causes sexuality how can you explain that some people just know  they are gay from a young age where as others don’t know until much later? When talking to a friend who is a lesbian, I asked her when she knew she was gay. She told me she knew for sure in the third grade. This was so surprising for me since I didn’t know I was gay until I was a teenager. She said she remembered playing with her friends and just wanting to kiss them.  She described it like how many little girls have crushes on little boys; she felt the same way but towards girls. She said as she got older the feelings got stronger and she understood her sexuality more, but those initial feelings never changed. Taylor often says she was born this way, because no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t feel the same way towards guys.  Taylor would often tell me that maybe there was a correlation since her father is gay. Is there really a genetic correlation or is it more of an environmental factor?

IMG_2255.JPGGrowing up with a gay parent could have genetic influences on sexuality, but it definitely has environmental influences as well.  Look at Taylor for example, her father was gay, and she grew up watching a relationship between two men; a first hand experience many children do not get a chance to see.  My parents’ family friends are a lesbian couple who have two teenage daughters. Both their children teeter in and out of straight and lesbian pools.  I think a big part of this is by growing up around it.  It is normal for them to see two members of the same sex interact and have a monogamous relationship together.  This makes a lot of sense, especially at a age when an individual doesn’t fully know who they are yet to be curious and experiment with members of both sex.  When that child tries it either they know, or they remain in the undecided until they grow old enough to figure it out. There are a lot of other environmental factors that influence sexual orientation.

Ted Eytan CCBY https://www.flickr.com

If you live in a community where being gay is not accepted upon, chances are you will not be comfortable with being out.  In certain cultures, and religious backgrounds being gay is frowned upon and many people of those backgrounds often deny it. I had a friend in high school who was so obviously gay, but would deny it to the world for the fear of what her friends and parents would think. She was going through life so unhappy, and it made me so sad that she felt like she had to do this. I come from a town with very few gay people. People often associate homosexuality as a negative thing. On the other hand, in some places being gay is totally accepted.  I have a friend who went to school with a whole group of gay people. Where she is from being gay is fairly normal.

Justin CCBY  https://www.flickr

Honestly, what is the harm in same sex relationships? Just because a “book” that was written nearly 3500 years ago says that it was wrong means we should follow it. Besides there are many reasons why we shouldn’t. Everyone sins at some point in their life, so who is to say what things people can and cannot do. My biggest issue is that people only paraphrase the bible and choose parts they want to listen to. The reasoning against people being gay back then, was that we needed men and women to be together so we could reproduce. With over 7 billion people in the world, I don’t think reproduction is a valid excuse anymore.  What are we teaching our peers, children, and community if we are telling them to live life unhappily? We shouldn’t expect people to have to change who they are. If being with a member of the same sex makes them happy, then we should be supportive of it.  It doesn’t affect your life. Being gay is already so unbelievably difficult so why would you want to contribute to the hardship that an individual must endure. I came out to my grandmother who is a really religious woman a couple of months ago. You could probably imagine how that went.  It took me months to finally build up the courage to tell her. I planned out exactly what I would say and how I would say it. Once I told her she literally ripped me apart. She was very unsupportive and told me it was just lust, and that it is just a phase that I’ll grow out of. It was very hard for me that someone so important to me in my life couldn’t accept me for who I was.

Luckily for me many other people in my life are very supportive of me, and my sexuality. However, there are many kids who don’t have families or friends that are supportive.  Being a teenager is extremely difficult for anyone, being a gay teenager is even harder. Many children who are gay that lack a strong support system often feel like outcasts, and alone. This is something no one should have to feel just because they are expressing who they are.  The person you love is the same person they are regardless of their sexuality, and if you treat them differently that just reflects poorly on you. As a friend or parent you are supposed to support, and be there for your loved ones, not rejecting them.  No one would choose to live the harder life, and if your child is brave enough to accept who they truly you are you should be able to accept them too.  An individual can’t help who they are attracted to, and who they love.  The world can be such a dark place, and it is hard enough for any individual.  The diversity is what makes us all unique.

Nabeelah Is CCBY  https://www.flickr.com

In my own personal experience I had no idea I was gay when I was younger. When I was a child I noticed girls were pretty, but never imagined being with them.  I didn’t ever think of being with a girl until middle school when my best friend kissed me. Normally, that wouldn’t have been a big deal. My sister used to kiss girls when she was younger, but she is definitely 100% straight, but for me it meant something.  When it first happened I was confused, shocked and feeling all sorts of emotions I never felt before. It happened again and once I got over the initial shocked I realized I liked it.  My friend was ready to come out in seventh grade, but I wasn’t.  I remember being so scared to be who I was because people are very unaccepting at home. High School is hard enough for anyone to survive, and  I didn’t want the gay label hanging over my head as well.  In High school I had a boyfriend for two years. I really loved and cared about him, but as like a best friend and not a boyfriend.  When I came to college I really couldn’t be in the relationship anymore; I was so unhappy, so we broke up.  I met this really pretty girl after, and it was the first time I actually acted on the feelings I had. I didn’t think about who would care, or what would happen I just followed my heart, and it was great. In our relationship I felt things I never felt with anyone else. It was the first time in my life I felt what it felt like to be in love with someone, and how strong and nice that feeling is. It took me forever to be able to openly talk about my sexuality without getting embarrassed.

Being much older and wiser now I fully accept who I am, and don’t look at my sexuality as a bad thing. I realized that just because I was attracted to girls it didn’t mean I still couldn’t be girly. I realized there is no criteria of what a lesbian has to look or act like. I hate that many people automatically assume that to be a lesbian you have to fit and look a certain way, and have a specific personality. Why do all lesbians have to be placed in the same category? Not every straight person looks, and acts the same so why does it change if an individual is gay? When we get down to it every person is different, and it is really hard to put every person into one label.  Even now when I tell people that I am gay, they are very surprised and tell me I don’t look like a “lesbian”.  Although it bothers me that the stereotype still exists I understand my sexuality enough to explain to them. I think if more information was available to people about sexuality more people would be less ignorant on the subject, and be able to understand it a lot more.

  9 Questions Gay People Have For Straight People

Work Cited….

Brown, Dawn. “What Being Queer Is Like When You Don’t “Look Like A Lesbian”.”Thought Catalog. 2013. Web. 02 May 2016.

“Dean Hamer’s Argument For The Existence Of `Gay Genes'” 1995. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

“Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View.” Public Discourse. 2012. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

“Homosexuality May Be Caused by Chemical Modifications to DNA.” Science. 2015. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

LeVay, Simon. Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2011. Print.

Robertson, Linda. “While Your Child Is Still Alive: A Letter to Parents Who Aren’t Ready to March in the Pride Parade.” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com. Web. 02 May 2016.

The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.





The New Age of Learning

When is the last time you left your house without your cellphone? I bet you can’t even remember. We use or phone for so many things in our lives as GPS, to communicate with others, to entertain us when we are bored, etc.  We have become a society that is highly dependent on the use technology to survive. The impact of technology has been a really popular topic for discussion recently.  Everywhere we turned we are surrounded by it.  Smartphones, Tv’s, Computers, are all part of our daily lives.  Things have changed so much throughout the years. Everything is online, I cant remember the last time I saw an actual dictionary.  With all these advancements in technology it has forced society to learn to adapt to it. The world is revolving and constantly changing, so why is the education system remaining stagnant?   Schools are still being taught like they were hundreds of years ago. Many students are expected to  sit in a class and get lectured for an hour. I am sorry but how is that learning?

Students aren’t robots they shouldn’t be expected to just sit, and listen to someone rant for hour. This isn’t engaging the students at all, no wonder so many people have a hard time saying awake in class. The whole theory of regurgitating information as the most common method of learning is terrible. What is that really teaching us to be as active members of society?  We are practically being taught that in order succeed in school you must be good at listening, memorizing, and repeating the given information back.  We are basically preparing children to be virtually copies of each other. We are taking away creativity, and everything that makes a person unique. This system of learning isn’t showing academic growth, an individuals capabilities, or anything other than a students memorizing and test taking abilities.

GotCredit CCBY https://www.flickr.com

Not every kid was designed to learn black and white. So we shouldn’t be teaching kids in one style. People learn things in many different ways, and our the educational system should be more tailored to that. Some kids are horrible test takers, but once they have the ability to work on things hands on, or in a group they excel.  I think our educational system needs to make a lot of changes to catch up to the current times. I think it would be more beneficial to have more of a interactive approach.  Technology would be so helpful if we used it in the right ways.  If teachers would create interactive activities for students to complete I think students would be a lot more engaged. Personally in classes when a teacher lectures if she supplements those lectures with videos, and diagrams I found myself retaining a lot more of the information.  Many children love playing video games. Why is that? In a video game, the game designers introdcue elements that capture different emotions of players. I remember in one of my english classes in high school my teacher was talking about conformity. I had no idea what conformity meant, and kept zoning out till we started doing this assignment. He asked us to  write our names on a piece of paper.  Everyone wrote there names on the left corner one under another. My teacher never said where to write our names, but we were all so use to doing it like that.   From that day on I have never forgot that assignment or the concept of conformity.  What I loved about this assignment was it was engaging, and I am able to recall the information I had learned to this day.

Richard Lee CCBY 

Learning is a lot easier when students can connect it to something they know.  If a student is struggling and doing poorly in a class they are more likely to give up, because they feel as if there is no point in trying.  Why do you play sports?  They’re hard for sure yeah, but the feeling of being good at something or winning is what gets you to keep trying. This feeling is often noted as ‘flow’ by  psychologists.  Flow  is a physiological state that a person enters when their skill level evenly matches, the challenge.  You see this a lot of times in games. In the game Tic Tac Toe for a player of my age the skill level is way surpassed the challenge so after a few rounds the player becomes uninterested.  On the other hand a person who tries to snowboard down a the summit for the first time, will probably find it too difficult and give up. This is the issue with school.  We are not engaging students properly. When a child finds school to easy they don’t try and get bored.  When a student struggles they get frustrated, and stop putting effort in.  If our schools could create a system of flow where students skill level  is evenly matched to their level of course work I think many more students would succeed.

One thing the education system is doing well is the art, and music classes. I think classes that help students express their creativity is very beneficial to their quality of learning. Art and music classes also help students take a break in between some of their more difficult classes. Another positive benefit of the education system is  the options of trade schools. In high school I took an L.N.A program which was one of the most benefical things I did.  I learned so much valuable skills that have helped me prepare for my future career as a nurse. Trade schools are good for many kids because they teach a varsity of skills culinary, automotive, cosmetology, and many others. I strongly believe that our school system should be teaching kids especially high schoolers life skills such as how to write a check, or other skills that are necessary to be an adult. If we could use technology to our advantage we could improve the education system drastically.

Alan Levine CCBY https://www.flickr.com/photos




Rattlesnake Mountain



Have you ever heard of Rattlesnake mountain? Rattlesnake is a short two and half mile hike located in Rumney only fifteen minutes away from Plymouth State University. Since it is very close to the university it is a very popular spot for many college students to go to. It isn’t just tailored to college students though since rattlesnake is an easy trail you don’t have to be a very well experience hiker to go. Many times I see people bring their dogs or small children along with them. Being from New York and not having a ton of experience with hiking this trail was perfect for me.  It doesn’t seem to take hours to get to the summit either unlike some trails, and to top it off the view is amazing.IMG_4643

There is nothing like when you finally reach the top of the mountain with your friends, and you just sit back and think about how lucky you really are.

As a member of the Women’s Rugby team one time we were asked to go for a sunrise hike to do some team bonding. Even though this day was in September I remember it like it was yesterday. I had to wake up at 6 in the morning and be ready to leave by 615.  I am not a morning person at all so I was already regretting my decision for going.  It was so dark during our drive to the mountain that we accidentally  made a wrong turn, and got lost. Once we finally figured out where we were going and arrived there was only about twenty minutes until sunrise. I kept thinking to myself how I should have just slept in. The second we stepped foot on the trail all the older girls started at running. It was still pretty dark, so it was really hard to see. I remember watching so many people trip over sticks, and  me falling on my face so many times.  Once I was outdoors with my team my attitude suddenly changed,  I was actually having fun and glad that I went.  Since we practically sprinted up the mountain we made it up a couple of  minutes before sunrise and just sat and talked.  We went on this hike only a few days after I joined rugby and was one of my first but best memories I have with the team. We were all huddled together in the cold, patiently waiting for the sun to rise. Once the sun rose we were all silent.  It was my first time seeing the mountain at sunrise, and it was such a beautiful view sight to see.  It made me so grateful for the opportunities I had, and put me in a really good mood.

I recently went to Rattlesnake back again in February.  This time was a lot different than the time I went in September. This time I went for a sunset hike, and it was so icy.  I remember it was pretty difficult to walk, without falling.  We were all trying our best to find ways not to fall, which was so funny to watch.  I went with a few good friends, and even despite the ice I was having a really good time. Once we got to the top, we saw the sunset and it was breath taking.  It is just such a pretty view, and it was great  that I got the chance to share it with people who mean a lot to me.


There are many different reasons why people hike. Some people hike for the physical part of it. I have a lot of friends that hike long and difficult trails just for the love of hiking. My parents on the other hand love to hike because they like that you are able to reflect and think about so many different things during it. I personally love seeing the view, and having a good time with my friends. It’s different for everyone. I think Rattlesnake is a great place that everyone needs to go to at least once!



Information for research project

What is a better read than reading about something that is still under discussion? For this assignment, I plan on writing about an extremely controversial topic in today’s society.  The topic I chose for this assignment is on homosexuality and whether the cause is from biological or environmental origins. In my paper I plan on exploring both of these theories, and why I don’t agree with either of them.  I don’t think sexuality is as black and white as some people in society make it seem. Every person is different so it’s really hard to say the cause of homosexuality comes from strictly one thing. I think sexuality is dependent on many factors, and I plan on addressing this further in my paper.  One reason I feel as if I am a good candidate to write a paper such as this is because of my sexuality. I am gay, but I grew up in a very religious household without any homosexual relatives. I feel as through my personal insight, added with other information I research I can at the very least express my views on the subject, and hopefully educate others too.

Kevin Wong CCBY


I would like to start my research by addressing this article that shares a lot of the same views I have towards this subject. “Is Homosexuality a Choice?”

Four helpful articles:

Biological (genetics) Theory

1. “The latest in scientific research: There is no gay gene”


3. “Born or Bred?”

Environmental ( a choice) Theory: 

1.Environmental factors may play a role in sexual orientation

2.Born That Way… NOT!

Two people to interview:

  • Family friends who are a married lesbian couple
  • Friend that is gay  (my age)

Twitter accounts I followed:

Two Personal Accounts:

Two Organizational Accounts:

Two Full Text Articles:

  1. “Queer Notion.” National Review 45.15 (1993): 14-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.
  2. Haider-Markel, Donald P., and Mark R. Joslyn. “Beliefs About The Origins Of Homosexuality And Support For Gay Rights.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72.2 (2008): 291-310. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

Two Books I Ordered From Interlibrary Loan:

  1. Berne, Emma Carlson. “Homosexuality (Introducing Issues  With Opposing Viewpoints).” Detroit, MI: Greenhaven, 2008. Print.
  2. Minor, Robert Neil. Scared Straight: Why It’s so Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s so Hard to Be Human. St. Louis, MO: Humanity Works!, 2001. Print.

Two Articles I Ordered From Interlibary Loan:

  1. Collier, Kate L., Stacey S. Horn, Henny M. W. Bos, and Theo G. M. Sandfort. “Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gays Among American and Dutch Adolescents.” The Journal of Sex Research 52.2 (2014): 140-50. Web.

  2. Cohler, Bertram J. “Sexual Orientation and Psychoanalytic Study and Intervention Among Lesbians and Gay Men.” Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 3.2 (2000): 35-60. Web

Two Books I Plan On Checking Out From Lamson:

  1.  Garnets, Linda, and Douglas C. Kimmel. Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences. New York: Columbia UP, 2003. Print.                                                Call Number- HQ76.3.U5 P78 2003
  2. Marcus, Eric. Is It a Choice?: Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Gays and Lesbians. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993. Print.                               Call Number- HQ76.3.U5 M35 1999 c.2



How to make your research paper not suck.

Course Objectives: 1,2,3,4,8,10,11

Assignment Objectives: To inform and explain  to other student’s ways that they can improve their research papers.

Do you remember in high school when a teacher would assign a research paper? I do. I remember dreading those assignments for the first two years of high school. Completing the papers took hours, and I was never really proud of my work. It wasn’t until my senior year that I started to like them. My teacher gave us an assignment that required us to pick our own topic for a research paper. At first, I hated the idea. I assumed it was going to be like all the others; time-consuming and boring. But I thought it was going to be even worse because I had to figure out my own topic. I remember thinking to myself, what could I possibly write about?

Like any other high school student, I decided to utilize google. I googled research idea topics and I was surprised to see hundreds of topics popping up. I saw one on parenting styles and decided I would write about authoritarian parenting discipline styles and the negative effects it had on children. Since I grew up with incredibly strict parents, this topic really stuck out to me. When I was doing my research, I found the information interesting and useful for my paper. I took the time to find a lot of sources to back up what I wanted to say in the paper. Although the paper was time-consuming, the time I spent on it was worth it. I was finally proud of what I wrote.

West McGowan CCBY  https://www.flickr.com

Picking my own topic for a research paper made me realize that I wasn’t hating research papers, but the topics I was being told to write about. I will never be one of those people who gets excited about researching the effects of global warming. If I had to write a paper based on global warming; it would not be my best piece of work. I think that is the issue for many students and why so many people hate writing research papers. Everyone is different and has different interests, so why should teachers expect every student to write about the same thing? From a first-hand experience, I find it almost impossible to get into writing a paper when the topic has no interest to me. “Your reader can tell if you are interested in your own topic – your enthusiasm will show through in your writing.” A paper that has a topic clearly sparking an interest in the writer will be a million times better. Although liking your topic is an important part of writing a good research paper; its only one of many aspects that make a paper truly good.

Another aspect that makes a research paper good is the quality of the topic.  Is this a well-known topic? Does it capture the attention of a lot of people? Could it be something that you could find a substantial amount of information on? These are important questions to ask yourself before you start your research. If the answers to these questions are all yes, you are most likely ready to start writing a great paper. You will be able to find enough information and interest enough people in your writing.  If you find yourself answering no to these questions, it’s okay, it only means that it’s time to go back to the drawing board and think of a new topic. A great topic means nothing unless you have a strong  thesis.

Mike Mantin CCBY https://www.flickr.com

“It is very important to start out your research with a solid Thesis Statement. This is the /question you propose to answer in the paper.”  In your thesis statement, you basically sum up what you plan to write about in the paper in about one to two sentences, just to get your point across. Having a clear thesis is very important. If you are writing a research paper on legalizing marijuana, your thesis should state your view on the issue. Are you trying to persuade the reader to support your view on the situation? Are you comparing the benefits and consequences?  If your thesis is direct and clear, you will be able to write a precise and organized paper. Research papers tend to be long and full of information, so the last thing you want to happen is to get off track. A strong thesis keeps the writer focused on the point. The writer can use their thesis to narrow down on what research they would like to use in their paper.

According to the 5 Vital Essay Writing Rules, the fifth most important rule is to use your voice when your write. “While essays should not be full of slang and conversational language, it is important to include your own voice.” On the other hand, nothing is more boring to read than a research paper that contains only research. When there is no voice and only statistics in the paper, I find it incredibly hard to read so I can hardly imagine having to write a paper like that. There should be a balance between the research and your personality incorporated into the paper. What I like to do when I begin writing is use my research to back up my view. This makes what I am saying more credible and persuades more people to listen to what I’m saying.

photosteve101 CCBY  https://www.flickr.com

Have you ever read a great research paper but felt like something was wrong because the writer only talked about one side? Whenever I am reading a research paper and the writer doesn’t touch on the other side of the argument, I can’t help but feel like I’m not getting the whole story. If you are writing about the benefits of school uniforms and your view is pro uniforms, you can enhance your paper by talking about some of the positives there are for not wearing uniforms. Even though you think wearing uniforms in schools has more benefits than not wearing them, addressing the other side shows the reader that you have done your research and that you are knowledgeable about that topic. If you show both sides the reader is more likely to believe what you are saying.

Before you start to write your paper, begin with an outline. If you plan what you want to write about in your paper prior, it makes writing easier and more fluent. Going back and revising your paper is crucial. You don’t want to write this amazing paper and have grammatical errors ruin it. You can avoid this by just going over the paper again, checking for grammatical errors, and any weak links. This could be the difference between an A or a B paper.  Making sure your paper has structure is important too.  You want to make sure your paper has a good flow to it; making sure your paper is long enough, but not too long. Nothing is worse then when a paper never seems to end.

There is an article by Jim Goad titled Homosexuality: What’s choice have to do with it that shows everything a good research paper should have.  This article is about former Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon’s change from a heterosexual life to homosexuality. In the title itself, Nixon addresses the question what does choice have to do with being homosexual. From this alone, the reader can sense what this paper is going to be about. The thesis is very clear and direct. Nixon talks about how in her homosexual experience was completely a choice and not a result of genetics. She backs up this statement by using a research study from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

Throughout the article, the reader hears the writer’s opinion on the subject, followed by research to back it up. This is a very relevant topic in the writer’s life but also in today’s society.  Homosexuality and whether it is caused by nature or nurture is still extremely controversial. One thing I love about this article is that Nixon shows views from both sides. In the article Nixon presents the reader with different theories and studies that have been done to determine if homosexuality is genetic or environmental.  She follows up by stating that based on current studies, the cause of homosexuality still can’t be proven by any of the acclaimed theories of genetics or the environment. Nixon also mentions in the article that she agrees both of these factors can play a role in an individuals sexuality, but they don’t determine it.

No longer do you have to think of “research papers” in the way that many people typically do.  I really hope that by reading these points you now understand that research papers aren’t terrible. If you include these different components in your paper, you will find that the paper isn’t  even that bad to write. The paper seems to come together like a puzzle, and you will probably be able to write a pretty solid paper. One piece of advice I have for anyone who is writing a research paper is to try to make it as good as you can. If you have a solid research paper, you never know who might stumble across it and what kind of difference this could have on you or someone else.

“Tips for Writing Research Paper | AcademicTips.org.” Tips for Writing Research Paper | AcademicTips.org. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.

“Top 10 Tips to Choose an Essay or Research Paper Topic.” Top 10 Tips to Choose an Essay or Research Paper Topic. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.

“Poets Union: Ultimate Writing Community.” The Most Important Essay Writing Rules For Writing A Papers. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.

Universal healthcare for all

Course Objectives: 1,5,8,9,10,11

Assignment Objectives: In this assignment I hope to explore Bernie Sanders universal healthcare proposal and talk about whether or not this is possible.

Have you ever struggled to go to the doctors because your insurance didn’t cover your appointment? Are you sick of paying copays every time you go to the doctors? Do you even have health insurance and the ability to get care when needed? If any of these apply to you, then you’d probably agree that something needs to be done about our health care system. Wouldn’t it be great if we had more choices over what doctors we could see, no more copays, and  better patient care? Wouldn’t it be even better if this applied to everyone and everyone was able to get medical attention regardless of their income? Right now, 33 million people in America still don’t have health insurance (FiveThirtyEight). You would think a first world country such as ours would have a much better health care system than we do now.  When compared to other countries throughout the world, America was scored lowest almost every time;  I think we can all agree something needs to be done.

With the political elections coming up within the next year; this is the time for a change.   One political candidate that really stuck out to me was Bernie Sanders and his Universal Health Care proposal. Sanders states that he has a solution to make healthcare available to all. His new health care proposal says that he will be getting rid of copays. I am all for making our health care system better, but can Bernie Sanders really achieve this?  How is it possible to have a universal health care system that makes health care affordable and accessible for all without paying unreal amounts in taxes.

Bernie Sanders health care plan consists of a single payer health system.  In this plan health care will be available to every single person, not just people over the age of 65.   Copayments and insurance premiums will disappear with a single payer system.  You will no longer have to worry about finding a doctor your insurance covers in your network.  I think moving to a single payer health care system is a good idea, however, not everyone agrees. Some argue that single payer health systems wouldn’t work in America.  According to various online articles, many other countries have been using the single payer system and it has been successful. Such countries include Italy, Sweden, Canada, and the United Kingdom; four countries with the best health care status.

So if the single payer system isn’t the issue, what is? Many people fear that taxes will go up an astronomical high amount if we have a universal health care system.  America currently outspends every country in health care. Bernie Sander’s new proposal health care costs will save Americans in health costs. However, people who argue taxes will go up with this new health care aren’t completely wrong. According to Bernie’s plan, there will be an increase in payroll tax on employers of 6.7% and a progressive income tax. Although this seems like a lot in the long run, it will actually benefit more people overall.

I strongly believe that Bernie Sander’s universal health care proposal will be beneficial to almost every citizen.  With the single payer system, every American will have health care regardless of  their income.  It will also make the health care system much less complicated, no more copayments, or having to check if a doctor is in your network; the whole process would be much easier.  Even though taxes will rise, the pros outweigh the cons.

Quesada CCBY  https://flic.kr/p/6XNGq1















Life is stressful


Course Objectives: 1,2,5,6,10,11

Assignment Objectives: My goal for this post is to explore and explain the different types of stresses first-year college students experience and how to control that stress.

According to Webster dictionary, the definition of the word “stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc. As the years progress the amount of stress levels in the general public keep steadily rising. You would think in the 21st century with all the technology that is made available to us stress levels would be lower than the were in previous years. However, this is not the case. I think the main reason for the high levels of stress is how competitive society is. With the economy being like it is today the job market getting harder and harder, the expectations for an individual keeps increasing. These demands cause pressure for all individuals in the education system.  From Kindergarteners to college students the expectations are higher then they have ever been before.

Everything is being taught at an accelerated pace. Kindergarteners today are kept to higher expectations compared to previous classes of children that were allowed to play and nap. Now a day’s kindergarteners are expected to read, and even do math. This is something I could never imagine doing at that age.  Children in grade school are being taught how to critically think and think at a much higher level of complexity than kids that age ever had to think. High school is becoming more rigorous offering more AP classes.

In high school, it’s no longer enough to just have a good GPA to get into a good college. An individual must have a good GPA, write a well-written college essay, demonstrate participation in many extracurricular activities. Some of these activities include sports, clubs, or at most times both, and somehow stand out from the student next of you who basically resembles, all the same, characteristics. I think all of this pressure children face growing up is carried all the way to those college years. Once a student finally figures out their major and what college they will be attending in the fall and they finally have a chance to catch their breath, the cycle of stress begins again. That newly accepted student must figure out how to pay these thousands of dollars for the school they plan on attending in the fall, and what dorm they will live in and whom they will live with. Once at college, a whole new set of stressful things start to occur.

Most of us begin college when we are 18 years old. At 18 years old you are so young, just barely old enough to vote and drive, too young to drink. College is the first time in our lives where we are finally independent. We don’t have our parents telling us what and what not to do, our teachers making sure we do our assignments and our comfort of our home which we know so well. This is a total culture shock to many individuals including myself. I was so dependent on my parents for so many things, it was weird not having them around me to help me. It was also weird being 6 hours away from a place I called home my entire life. Living in a dorm and sharing a room with another person, eating in a dining hall instead of at my kitchen table, having to make all new friends, and having to wear flip flops in the shower were totally different than anything else I ever encountered in my life. It definitely took time to get used to (well the food I am still getting used to), but with time you grow to like it. You begin to make friends, and as weird as it sounds this place becomes your home.

Another aspect of college that causes stress for many students especially incoming freshman is the course load. High school is set up much differently than college is. In high school teachers will remind you when an assignment is due in college it’s up to you. Your professor doesn’t care if you go to class or study for an exam. It’s all up to you and how well you want to do. The course load is much lighter in high school; you have a lot longer to complete an assignment. In high school I would be able to finish most of my work for the week early on in the week. When I got to college I soon realized this wouldn’t be the case. In college, there is only so much you can finish in a day. You have to be efficient with the time you have. For example, you want to spend enough time on assignments, but you don’t want to spend the entire day doing work. You still need time to be human.

Spend time with friends, work out, relax. I think time management is one of the hardest lessons to learn, but as soon as you learn it college is a piece of cake. I think everybody needs balance in their life. A student can reduce their stress levels drastically if they have a balance between work and play. I think it’s also critical to eat healthily and exercise and spending time with people who bring out the best in you. If you have this balance the level of decrease substantially. I think college could be enjoyable to any individual who is able to adapt to the new way of life and change and grow as an individual. You spend four years of your life at this place so why not make it the best as it can possibly be?


CCBY CHUA https://flic.kr/p/iDCRU3


“Stress.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.




It’s okay to be different

Course Objectives 1,2,5,6,10,11

Assignment Objectives:  My goals for this assignment were to write a powerful post that explained to all people that it’s okay to be different.  I tried to incorporate two articles that dealt with society’s expectations for the “the social norm” and “beauty”.  

 “Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other and have the courage to accept each other as we are.”    – Mother Theresa 

This quote by Mother Theresa really caught my attention.  As early as I can remember, my parents have taught me that everyone is different and unique in their own way.  They would often tell me that it’s good to be different, and that if we were all the same life would be so boring. I grew up thinking different was okay, but with the society we live in, sometimes it seems as if different is the last thing anyone wants to be. As children we see the world in color; things aren’t black and white.  You don’t have to act in a certain category to be accepted. You don’t have to go with the social norm.  According to Saul McLeod  the social norm are the unwritten rules of how to behave.  These rules show us what is socially accepted and what is not. McLeod goes on by saying how there is a considerable amount of pressure on an individual to conform to these norms.  I agree with McLeod and his opinions on the social norm and conformity. No one wants to be seen as an outcast, or not feel accepted. This is why we try so hard to fit and, and tend to go along with the crowd.

CCBY Braiuca https://flic.kr/p/BtjRtA

Everywhere we turn we are told what we should look like.  Society perceives “beauty” as girls who are thin with long hair and big butts.  Unfortunately, not all girls look like this.  This shouldn’t mean that a girl who doesn’t fit the criteria shouldn’t be considered beautiful.  Society also tells us that everyone needs to go to college, get married, and have children.  When in reality those things aren’t for everyone. Not everyone does well in school which is why there are trade schools, the military, and other options.  Not everyone wants to get married and have children either, and that is perfectly okay.  We don’t live in the same time period as we once did where having children was necessary for survival.  People can’t change who they are, and we shouldn’t expect them to. I strongly believe that if we ever expect to fix the problem with society we have to start from within. To achieve this, I think that you have to start by being completely comfortable with who you are. If you are confident about who you are and your beliefs, you will have enough courage to stand up to someone with different values.  It took me a long time to be comfortable with who I truly was.

CCBY KHO  https://flic.kr/p/BrSfs2

Through the years I have learned that you can’t change who you are, so as soon as you are able to accept it, other people will too. However, there are going to be people who might not. If you are sure of who you are you will be strong enough to stand against them instead of just conforming into what they believe. Ultimately you can’t change the world.  You can’t expect to fix the problems with society by yourself.  You can however, control how you contribute.  I am guilty of it as I’m sure most people are of judging someone, because they’re different than you.  We can’t control that they’re different.  All we can do is accept their differences and treat them with respect, not feeding in to society’s standards and going along with the crowd.  If you decide to not make fun of someone for being different you might create a domino effect.  Instead of making fun of someone, your friends might decide that it’s rude, and follow your lead and try to get to know the individual before passing any judgments.

Its by our own actions that we hope to see a change.  I hope that by being a person who accepts all people that I am able to inspire those who maybe feel the same way but just don’t have enough courage to stand up alone.  Being on both sides of the equation at some point in my life I now realize how much it hurts when someone picks out our differences, and just how easy it is to do the same thing to someone.  I learned that I have to make a conscious effort everyday to treat every person fairly and be true to myself. I hope that maybe one day we will live in a society where people are able to be themselves without having to face so many issues that people today and in the past have been exposed to.

McLeod, S. A. (2008). Social Roles. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org/social-roles.html
