Information for research project

What is a better read than reading about something that is still under discussion? For this assignment, I plan on writing about an extremely controversial topic in today’s society.  The topic I chose for this assignment is on homosexuality and whether the cause is from biological or environmental origins. In my paper I plan on exploring both of these theories, and why I don’t agree with either of them.  I don’t think sexuality is as black and white as some people in society make it seem. Every person is different so it’s really hard to say the cause of homosexuality comes from strictly one thing. I think sexuality is dependent on many factors, and I plan on addressing this further in my paper.  One reason I feel as if I am a good candidate to write a paper such as this is because of my sexuality. I am gay, but I grew up in a very religious household without any homosexual relatives. I feel as through my personal insight, added with other information I research I can at the very least express my views on the subject, and hopefully educate others too.

Kevin Wong CCBY


I would like to start my research by addressing this article that shares a lot of the same views I have towards this subject. “Is Homosexuality a Choice?”

Four helpful articles:

Biological (genetics) Theory

1. “The latest in scientific research: There is no gay gene”


3. “Born or Bred?”

Environmental ( a choice) Theory: 

1.Environmental factors may play a role in sexual orientation

2.Born That Way… NOT!

Two people to interview:

  • Family friends who are a married lesbian couple
  • Friend that is gay  (my age)

Twitter accounts I followed:

Two Personal Accounts:

Two Organizational Accounts:

Two Full Text Articles:

  1. “Queer Notion.” National Review 45.15 (1993): 14-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.
  2. Haider-Markel, Donald P., and Mark R. Joslyn. “Beliefs About The Origins Of Homosexuality And Support For Gay Rights.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72.2 (2008): 291-310. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

Two Books I Ordered From Interlibrary Loan:

  1. Berne, Emma Carlson. “Homosexuality (Introducing Issues  With Opposing Viewpoints).” Detroit, MI: Greenhaven, 2008. Print.
  2. Minor, Robert Neil. Scared Straight: Why It’s so Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s so Hard to Be Human. St. Louis, MO: Humanity Works!, 2001. Print.

Two Articles I Ordered From Interlibary Loan:

  1. Collier, Kate L., Stacey S. Horn, Henny M. W. Bos, and Theo G. M. Sandfort. “Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gays Among American and Dutch Adolescents.” The Journal of Sex Research 52.2 (2014): 140-50. Web.

  2. Cohler, Bertram J. “Sexual Orientation and Psychoanalytic Study and Intervention Among Lesbians and Gay Men.” Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 3.2 (2000): 35-60. Web

Two Books I Plan On Checking Out From Lamson:

  1.  Garnets, Linda, and Douglas C. Kimmel. Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences. New York: Columbia UP, 2003. Print.                                                Call Number- HQ76.3.U5 P78 2003
  2. Marcus, Eric. Is It a Choice?: Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Gays and Lesbians. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993. Print.                               Call Number- HQ76.3.U5 M35 1999 c.2



How to make your research paper not suck.

Course Objectives: 1,2,3,4,8,10,11

Assignment Objectives: To inform and explain  to other student’s ways that they can improve their research papers.

Do you remember in high school when a teacher would assign a research paper? I do. I remember dreading those assignments for the first two years of high school. Completing the papers took hours, and I was never really proud of my work. It wasn’t until my senior year that I started to like them. My teacher gave us an assignment that required us to pick our own topic for a research paper. At first, I hated the idea. I assumed it was going to be like all the others; time-consuming and boring. But I thought it was going to be even worse because I had to figure out my own topic. I remember thinking to myself, what could I possibly write about?

Like any other high school student, I decided to utilize google. I googled research idea topics and I was surprised to see hundreds of topics popping up. I saw one on parenting styles and decided I would write about authoritarian parenting discipline styles and the negative effects it had on children. Since I grew up with incredibly strict parents, this topic really stuck out to me. When I was doing my research, I found the information interesting and useful for my paper. I took the time to find a lot of sources to back up what I wanted to say in the paper. Although the paper was time-consuming, the time I spent on it was worth it. I was finally proud of what I wrote.

West McGowan CCBY

Picking my own topic for a research paper made me realize that I wasn’t hating research papers, but the topics I was being told to write about. I will never be one of those people who gets excited about researching the effects of global warming. If I had to write a paper based on global warming; it would not be my best piece of work. I think that is the issue for many students and why so many people hate writing research papers. Everyone is different and has different interests, so why should teachers expect every student to write about the same thing? From a first-hand experience, I find it almost impossible to get into writing a paper when the topic has no interest to me. “Your reader can tell if you are interested in your own topic – your enthusiasm will show through in your writing.” A paper that has a topic clearly sparking an interest in the writer will be a million times better. Although liking your topic is an important part of writing a good research paper; its only one of many aspects that make a paper truly good.

Another aspect that makes a research paper good is the quality of the topic.  Is this a well-known topic? Does it capture the attention of a lot of people? Could it be something that you could find a substantial amount of information on? These are important questions to ask yourself before you start your research. If the answers to these questions are all yes, you are most likely ready to start writing a great paper. You will be able to find enough information and interest enough people in your writing.  If you find yourself answering no to these questions, it’s okay, it only means that it’s time to go back to the drawing board and think of a new topic. A great topic means nothing unless you have a strong  thesis.

Mike Mantin CCBY

“It is very important to start out your research with a solid Thesis Statement. This is the /question you propose to answer in the paper.”  In your thesis statement, you basically sum up what you plan to write about in the paper in about one to two sentences, just to get your point across. Having a clear thesis is very important. If you are writing a research paper on legalizing marijuana, your thesis should state your view on the issue. Are you trying to persuade the reader to support your view on the situation? Are you comparing the benefits and consequences?  If your thesis is direct and clear, you will be able to write a precise and organized paper. Research papers tend to be long and full of information, so the last thing you want to happen is to get off track. A strong thesis keeps the writer focused on the point. The writer can use their thesis to narrow down on what research they would like to use in their paper.

According to the 5 Vital Essay Writing Rules, the fifth most important rule is to use your voice when your write. “While essays should not be full of slang and conversational language, it is important to include your own voice.” On the other hand, nothing is more boring to read than a research paper that contains only research. When there is no voice and only statistics in the paper, I find it incredibly hard to read so I can hardly imagine having to write a paper like that. There should be a balance between the research and your personality incorporated into the paper. What I like to do when I begin writing is use my research to back up my view. This makes what I am saying more credible and persuades more people to listen to what I’m saying.

photosteve101 CCBY

Have you ever read a great research paper but felt like something was wrong because the writer only talked about one side? Whenever I am reading a research paper and the writer doesn’t touch on the other side of the argument, I can’t help but feel like I’m not getting the whole story. If you are writing about the benefits of school uniforms and your view is pro uniforms, you can enhance your paper by talking about some of the positives there are for not wearing uniforms. Even though you think wearing uniforms in schools has more benefits than not wearing them, addressing the other side shows the reader that you have done your research and that you are knowledgeable about that topic. If you show both sides the reader is more likely to believe what you are saying.

Before you start to write your paper, begin with an outline. If you plan what you want to write about in your paper prior, it makes writing easier and more fluent. Going back and revising your paper is crucial. You don’t want to write this amazing paper and have grammatical errors ruin it. You can avoid this by just going over the paper again, checking for grammatical errors, and any weak links. This could be the difference between an A or a B paper.  Making sure your paper has structure is important too.  You want to make sure your paper has a good flow to it; making sure your paper is long enough, but not too long. Nothing is worse then when a paper never seems to end.

There is an article by Jim Goad titled Homosexuality: What’s choice have to do with it that shows everything a good research paper should have.  This article is about former Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon’s change from a heterosexual life to homosexuality. In the title itself, Nixon addresses the question what does choice have to do with being homosexual. From this alone, the reader can sense what this paper is going to be about. The thesis is very clear and direct. Nixon talks about how in her homosexual experience was completely a choice and not a result of genetics. She backs up this statement by using a research study from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

Throughout the article, the reader hears the writer’s opinion on the subject, followed by research to back it up. This is a very relevant topic in the writer’s life but also in today’s society.  Homosexuality and whether it is caused by nature or nurture is still extremely controversial. One thing I love about this article is that Nixon shows views from both sides. In the article Nixon presents the reader with different theories and studies that have been done to determine if homosexuality is genetic or environmental.  She follows up by stating that based on current studies, the cause of homosexuality still can’t be proven by any of the acclaimed theories of genetics or the environment. Nixon also mentions in the article that she agrees both of these factors can play a role in an individuals sexuality, but they don’t determine it.

No longer do you have to think of “research papers” in the way that many people typically do.  I really hope that by reading these points you now understand that research papers aren’t terrible. If you include these different components in your paper, you will find that the paper isn’t  even that bad to write. The paper seems to come together like a puzzle, and you will probably be able to write a pretty solid paper. One piece of advice I have for anyone who is writing a research paper is to try to make it as good as you can. If you have a solid research paper, you never know who might stumble across it and what kind of difference this could have on you or someone else.

“Tips for Writing Research Paper |” Tips for Writing Research Paper | Web. 05 Mar. 2016.

“Top 10 Tips to Choose an Essay or Research Paper Topic.” Top 10 Tips to Choose an Essay or Research Paper Topic. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.

“Poets Union: Ultimate Writing Community.” The Most Important Essay Writing Rules For Writing A Papers. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.